Glossary of Terms for Video Production Sets

Here are some common terms you may encounter on the set of your next video production project:
1. Director: The person responsible for overseeing the creative aspects of the video production.
2. Producer: The individual in charge of the logistics and business aspects of the production.
3. DP (Director of Photography): The head of the camera and lighting department, responsible for achieving the visual look of the project.
4. Gaffer: The head of the lighting department, in charge of lighting setup and operation.
5. Key Grip: The head of the grip department, responsible for camera support and movement.
6. Boom Operator: The person in charge of operating the boom microphone to capture clean audio.
7. B-Roll: Additional footage used to complement the main shots in the video.
8. Blocking: Planning and rehearsing the movements of actors and the camera for a scene.
9. Continuity: Ensuring consistency in details such as props, costumes, and actor positioning between shots.
10. Craft Services: The department responsible for providing food and refreshments on set.
11. Cut: A term used to stop filming or indicate the end of a scene.
12. Dailies: Rough footage shot during the day that is reviewed by the team for assessment.
13. Fade In/Fade Out: A transition where the image gradually appears or disappears.
14. Hot Set: A set that is currently in use and should not be touched or moved.
15. Pickup: Additional filming needed to complete a scene.
16. Room Tone: The ambient sound of a location used for audio editing to maintain consistency.
17. Slate: A clapperboard used to mark scenes and takes during filming.
18. Wrap: Completion of the day’s filming or the entire project.

Having a good understanding of these terms can help you navigate the video production set efficiently and communicate effectively with the team.