Setting Up the Autocue
Position the autocue screen directly below the camera lens.
Adjust the font size and speed of the autocue to suit the speaker’s reading pace.
Ensure the autocue is easily readable without the speaker having to move their head excessively.
Calibrating the Autocue
Begin by running a test to ensure the autocue is working correctly.
Make any necessary adjustments to the speed, font size, and brightness.
Have the speaker practice reading from the autocue to get comfortable with the setup.
Directing the Talent
Instruct the speaker to maintain eye contact with the camera while glancing at the autocue when needed.
Advise the speaker to speak naturally and not rush through the script.
Encourage the speaker to pause when necessary to emphasize key points.
Monitoring the Shot
Keep an eye on the autocue display to ensure it stays in sync with the speaker.
Check the framing to ensure the speaker’s head and shoulders are correctly positioned.
Monitor the audio levels to capture clear and crisp sound.
Be prepared to troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise with the autocue.
Have a backup plan in case the autocue malfunctions, such as using cue cards or memorization.
Stay calm and professional to keep the production running smoothly.